These courses and coaching opportunities will use the functional medicine model for helping you discover the root cause(s) of why you may lack energy, fail to lose weight, or struggle with other chronic health challenges that cause a person to say "I Just Want to Function!"

You will learn the basics of how you can take control of your overall health and wellness by making food and lifestyle changes as well as learn how to discover underlying root causes of what may be making you sick or just not function as you would like to.

Healthy Whole Foods

Refreshing Sleep

Healthy Movement

Having Fun

Hi, I’m Cindy

Certified Functional Health Coach

After years of suffering from chronic health problems, I discovered what was at the root of my suffering through functional medicine. My mission is to guide as many as possible to discover lifestyle, and other factors, that may be the key to improve their quality of life.

Schedule Your Free 15 Minute Inquiry

Spend 15 minutes with me via Zoom or Phone to discuss what your health and wellness goals are and to see if what I can offer is a good fit for you.

For Zoom Book Here

For Phone Book Here